The name says it all. Each race already has theyre own golves and boots that are part of the body armour. this Is why they would be very easy to implement into the game. the capes maby could be introduced into the game when guilds come out for two reasons. one- maby guilds could have theyre own capes designed by the guild leader so they don't need extra writing above everyones characters heads and two, to hide the enchantresses new weirdly shaped body( looks better from the front. I think that this could also be reasonably easily implemented into the game because beside the guilds personal design they would all have the same name. To ake sure you don't have lots of guilds with the same cape have three options - background colour, emblem, and then emblem colour. maby have a forth as trim colour. that way each guild can have they're own unique cape.

Comments and feedback?