Bears absolutely rock. they are pretty much immortal sometimes. they do exactly what they are supposed to do, tank! They are flawless with a good mage that spams heal. or even a staff mage or dex bird because they can pull the opposing team into a corner and have the damage class do the rest. Oh and to The people who say use debuffs against a bear, let me hit yiu with some knowledge: a mage knightmare debuff only subtracts 12 dodge out of the 74 dodge a bear has and is a measly 6m range. on top of that debuffs can miss! (Bears can dodge debuffs). in addition knightmare only last a measly 3 seconds lol. So if you want to use the debuff you have to get real close and by then the bear will have you completely stunned. A bird has the best shot. Another hint: hit percentage does not subtract away from dodge, which alot of people seem to think. Now-a-days a bear is a beautiful addition to a team and can turn the tide of battle given the right circumstances and a good team.