This is my first time here in the suggestions and feed back area!
I have been keeping a list of things that I think would improve the game...

Life bar in chat screen: so we can always see if we are about to die.

Friend wheel: so that is is easier to select friends at the end of the alphabet if you have a very long friend list.

Friend quest ties: so that you can share quests and not have to run all the way back?

Move Preston slightly farther from his auction consol: so that we don't accidentally talk to him

Button borders option: a slider in options that makes the GUI boundaries visible, so that we know where the edges really are....

Bigger buffs option: I play on an iPad. How to smart phone users even see ther buffs?! Maybe just small or large, remember, some of us are getting older and can't see as well as we used to!

*Fix engineeered: biotech engineered DNA has four E's not five!

Join game refresh: many times the join game list is full of old ghosts of game files. Maybe the hardest to fix suggestion here, but I've joined many games only to find a return to base button. Not a big deal but with load times like mine, it cuts into game play...

When full, disable invite: I know invites cause lag, so if the game hasa all five players, or six for PVP, disable the invite button.

Fourth tier guild hall with auction terminal, healing terminal, bank, etc. this is more of an expansion than a fix...
Deals of the day on basic purchases, new characters, inventory, stash, rename and auction slots: so us who use platinum very sparingly can get real game functionality from it occasionally! I think if you had a deal of the day on tier four guildhalls the day it went live, youd see a lot of platinum spent at once! I've even read a tread on customizable guild halls? Hall furniture as vaninites?
*hopes for rare drop vanity fishtank* i.e. mass effect 2 (amazing game, btw)

Fix the tip about the chat bubble! A tip recommends using the four chat phrases by clicking the button at the top of the screen. It got moved to the bottom!

Lastly, if you liked reading this, say so and recommend me for the Star Guard! I'm helpful