Ive been playing Star Legends for awhile now and ive heard some crazy stuff alot that I would classify as SL urban legends. Below I have listed a couple of my favorites feel free to list some yalls favorites to.

1. Don't open any chests the boss will drop better items. I hear this one all the time and in my case it has never been true.

2.This is a new one ive heard. Supposedly there's a yeti roaming the halls of blackstar late at night. I seriously doubt there's one but ive been wrong before.

3. This is another fabled monster tale. I heard that there's a sea monster (nessy) at the ashen beaches on the planet voleria. This is another one I seriously doubt.

If anyone sees any of these fabled monsters please take a pic and post it here. And im also interested in any other urban legends yall have heard.