Quote Originally Posted by Samhayne View Post
Hey Daniel,

We're sorry you feel as you do. We can well understand. Hopefully I can help you better understand our reasons - which I hope, in some small way, might make you feel better.

You see, we daily hear from people who say, "Whoa, that's cool, how can I get it" or even "I'd pay 1,000 plat to get that". I'm sure you've heard similar things when you log in to Pocket Legends and hang out in town with some of your unique items on. "Where can I get that" "How did you get that" "Cool!" That's all part of what makes those items awesome, they are rare and exclusive.

The Deal of the Day is a way that we can offer people access to such items, but in a limited scope. Contrary to popular belief, not everyone purchases Deal of the Day items. Actually, far from it. However, it is still a significant way that we can fund our operation to bring you Humania (the next content expansion coming to Pocket Legends next year) or new features like new leaderboards, vanity closets and the ability to play on your browser. Also, by only allowing such items to be purchased over the 24 hours that the Deal of the Day runs, it's still pretty exclusive. Sure, you'll see some people with them on as they show off their latest acquisition, but a month from now, I doubt you'll see everyone and their brother running around with them on.

I can only ask for your understanding, even in part. Thanks as always, for choosing to spend your time playing Pocket Legends. We know the game is better because of your involvement.

Yours truly,
:-) well said
And I'm one of the many people that didn't get big luck twice (first time on st partty's I passed then dotd I didn't have that much plat & my GF who I live with said I couldn't buy any at that moment haha) so I missed out again & now I rarely see it)