Hello guys! I am probably gonna be taking a break from PL and SL, but until I come back, I recently have been playing the game: Celtic heros. So far, I don't know if it is on the android app store, but it is free on the apple app store. It is a mmo, just like PL and SL, and it is great! I won't spoil the whole game for you, but if you join the game, it will ask you to select a world. Please oh please make your character on the world: Epona. I have the same name as I do in PL and SL, (MasterCon) and I formed a clan called "Alterrans" for all the peeps that decide to try this game out. Please remember I am on world EPONA. As of roght now, I only have MightyMicah, and Hateset in the clan, and we are lonely. Come join us!

(Please do not think I am trying to get you guys to stop playing PL and SL)

That's all for now! Hope to see you ingame of Celtic heros!
