Quote Originally Posted by Aikiebo View Post
You said you wanted fun and lighthearted, so I gave you bit o' fun and light heartedness.

Yeah, a few people have complained on the length of my posts. In my over 300 posts, I think that someone has complained 3 or 4 times. Every time they did, I showed them that they were wrong. For example:

1. In the last HALF of just THIS thread.
2. There are 16 posts longer than mine.
3. About half of those 16 are twice as long as mine.
4. Kalima, you made a post in this thread that is longer than mine.
5. In fact, Kalima, your post in twice as long as mine.
6. I have screen shots of all these posts.
The following is the opening paragraph of the post that you made that is 2x longer than mine.
A few words are always stronger then many, if they have good relevance.

As for this topic, the winter festival passed and the only feedback that should be given is suggestions for next years festival in the suggestions forums. Aikiebo, if you wish to continue your debate with the engaged players, please do so through private message, such forum clutter is unnecessary.