So I was reading WhoIsThis' guide and it got me thinking.
People are constantly wasting elixir time while waiting in a game or accidentally joining one.
Although it is usually a few seconds while the player is idle, they're still wasting time and it eventually adds up.
I was thinking that maybe a setting could be implemented where you can activate or deactivate an elixir.

Example: You buy an elixir and host a PvE match to get some experience. While waiting you go to the elixir tab (under Shield / Avatar tab) and click disable elixir. Once you get a full party you simply go back to the tab and click re-enable elixir to continue what you were doing.

While the elixir is disabled, all of the effects are inactive, but it could be re-enabled at any time in PvE by a simple click.

I would LOVE to see this added to PL in the future.