the BEST gear and build for lvl 12 dex/bear is:
helm-lvl10 item pack
wepon-pink tinsel/lvl10 item pack (talon) (although the talon has more dmge)
shield-and pink holiday shield

and also the founders helm is THE reason why lvl 10-16 twinks own so much

and please dont forget the ring,facepaint(optional),and some vanity helm(+1 armor)

ok now build is defenitly:



1vengeful slash


this way ur NME will stay stunned and will allow you to get your hits in.

but if you want to have a launcher/duckfoot build you would have to put:



the reason why i put everything in stomp is because the snow (from the gun) will freeze them and if you stomp after the first 2 hits of your gun it will combo (shattered) and will deal 10-50% more damage to the stomp then what it would normally hit.

hope i was helpful