Hello all!

It has come to my attention that there are people out there who are having vicious nightmares over the mere mention of the Bronx Bomber. They cannot eat. They cannot sleep. They cannot function.

This is understandable because the power of the Bronx Bomber is so awesome and intense that if a person has not been trained to wield it, has not gone through due diligence, the result can be sheer and unadulterated madness.

Lately, the laments and weeping and wailing and knashing of teeth have become more and more prevalent because of this weapon.

This mighty weapon.

And so, I look at myself and say to myself, "Self, canst thoust let this happenth?"


And so, please, in the name of everything holy, do not utter the words Bronx Bomber anymore, for you do so, knowing that you will cause fear and terror to strike in the hearts of those not mentally prepared to discuss it.

And so, from this day forward, the Bronx Bomber shall hereby be referred to as:


If you prefer a shorter version, 2H-BB-Weapon will do.

But, I implore you. Never, ever utter the name of the Bronx Bomber again.

I thank you ahead of time for your cooperation.
