Quote Originally Posted by Aratreoybae View Post
Very nice ideas I am hearing here I like dtf's ranking system this would encourage people to actually play pvp to increase their rank, also give everyone a chance to start fresh, all start at D and move up. The idea of gear specific tourneys would be alot of fun as well. As for the idea of showing the deaths as well as kills would be a nice simple addition. On another note I think it was amyxrose or awwmang not sure which one, that gave the idea in an earlier post about gaining exp from pvp kills and flag captures. Now I realize that this would be hard to implement because there are those who would spawn kill to get pinks/exp or make private games with two devises and spawn themselves. It whould take alot of work but could be well worth it would be very nice not to have to lvl up/farm in dungeons as most true pvpers would not if they did not have too. Thanks for looking after us and making a great game even better. THUMBS UP FIREAD!
The idea of getting xp for pvp/ctf kills was my idea ... Like 3 months ago.