Quote Originally Posted by Skeletonlord View Post
I played it before and deleted it, however, I have just redownloaded it and I am going to start playing it again. Any tips are appreciated.

My gamecenter name is
# skeletonlord #
Just search the game on google and you'll find an extensive wiki with everything you'll ever need. Plenty of guides.
Mine is Surfingalien. I ran out of gifts for the day, but send one over and I'll return the favor.

Quote Originally Posted by Zaltiar View Post
Ah phooey, its an iOS only game is it? I was searching for it a while back.
How the game though? A lot of iaps? Don't want another $$sucking game on my tablet lol
There are iap's, but they're not nessecary its so addicting man. I think it's iOS only though