Quote Originally Posted by RedRyder:582498
Quote Originally Posted by Skeletonlord View Post
We didn't need beta keys for Star Legends beta, first time I have heard of beta keys for Dark Legends. You might need to register for the beta with your Spacetime account details and they send you a beta key?

I don't know how this will work, when you download you will need to enter it? This needs to be clarified.
Don't make statements without facts first. Beta wasn't always open and Did require a key. They don't want any player going on to play just to play, they need people that'll look for bugs and report them. Beta's aren't all fun and games. That's what the official releases are for.

It was like 2+ weeks of closed, about a week + open, then officially released on droid first while apple was still taking what seemed a lifetime to approve SL.
really? I remember the SL beta was like all summer