Quote Originally Posted by Aikiebo View Post
You can still buy 2000 plat. It will cost $35.00 more than it does now. That is less than 2 cents a plat. People say that adds up. Well, yeah, duh. But, nobody should be spending more than they can afford. Plat is completely optional. It is there for those who can afford it.

And what is wrong with people, lol? Get a grip. Business raise prices all the time. ALL THE TIME. How long, tell me, how long has that 2000 plat option been available? They haven't raised the price in a long time, maybe NEVER. Now, I'm not saying they going to raise the price on it when/if they bring it back. But, if someone has to pay an extra $35 for 2000 items then that is the way business works.

All businesses raise their prices from time to time. That is normal and necessary.

Oh, and btw, Please get a grip, just about any real life game (non-video game) would cost well over $50 a month if you played it often. Life costs money.
You should consider not getting so offended and defensive when people voice their opinions.

Things only change when opposition voices their displeasure.

Unfortunately, sts wanted platinum to be a very big party of their games. Of course raising the prices is going to cause uproar. I personally think it is a terrible business strategy because it will alienates the people that provide you the most income.