Quote Originally Posted by fuzzylazer View Post
Contest 2:
1. Your friends list doesn't move when your removing someone from it until you have removed the friend.
2. Change your guild name for 10 plat or 125k gold! (Half price of a new guild)
3. Make more vanity pets!
4. When a dev is on, it says in the chat, "SYSTEM: (Dev name and what town, example) SAMHAYNE IS IN BALEFORT CASTLE!

IGNs: Fuzzylazer, Magiicalx, Funkydott, Perfectionzz, Mystiicalx, Flickz
(Will mainly be on Fuzzylazer and Magiicalx, maybe lvling Mystiicalx)

Thank You! Good luck to others!
Yay my dev idea in a different form! I like your idea better ^_^ and would really love to see it implemented!