Hi there, I've just been playing for about 7-10 days and I have a couple of questions that have been bothering me. I have leveled myself up to 25 commander now but have not really done much reading or research on strategy. I have played mmorpg's in the past.

1. How do you tell what class a player is? I click on them or on their name to view their profile but I don't see anything about their class (so noob... I kno)

2. I get invites from a friend to join them in another level, but if I don't catch their name as the invite is coming in, then how do I go check who invited me? The only way I can join them is to open them in my friends list or guild list an click join. I do not see the invite show up on the requests tab.

3 When someone invites you to trade in a public area , who is not my friend, and then runs off, how can I trade with them without first tracking them down and clicking on them , then selecting trade. Is there somewhere all of these trade invites are stored so I can respond I them? They do not show on the notifications indicator in the top right.

4. I have my skills set to auto level. Does that mean that if later on I decide I want to manually configure my skills that those skill points have already been used which have been auto assigned , or will I be able to reassign my skill points at any time?

5. My auto skill points for my commander have been assigned 6, 6,6,6 for the first four skill slots at level 25. How many skills can I have active at one time for my character? If I turned auto assign off, could I assign one point to every skill (obviously poor strategy) and be able to scroll through somehow and use all of those skills during battle, instead of the four I have now?

6 What is the max number of skill points that a skill can have assigned to it? What will auto assign do when it reaches the max on the first four skills?

7 I can see a very brief summary in a very technical format under skills, a a description for each skill when I select it. Is there somewhere that will give me a more detailed description of every skill for every class and then give me some example configurations of skills for each class an point out the strengths an weaknesses in those examples?

8 Crafting: I have crafted a few weapons. It seems that when I buy a recipe and craft the item, I have to purchase the recipie again if I want to craft it, is that correct? Also, how do I level my crafting? It seems that the crafting ability stuck somewhere around level 21 for weapons for me for some reason because all I can see is the same old level 21 guns Ive been seeing for a while and there is nothing to craft for my level :/ also, whenever I have crafted items when I was a 21 , the weapons were much weaker than the standard drops it seemed to me :/

9 questing on numa prime: when I quested blackstrap there were a ton of quests, and now on numa I finished them all within a very short time frame. Is that normal? Do the quests increase in some of the other sectors, or is black star the only sector with a decent amount of quests to occupy you until you reach the level for the next sector?

I hope I am not copying some questions already posted here. I did try to search these forums a bit before asking, but there is so much to go through digging for information... A LOT of posts!
