Ok i wanna buy a fortified set, i currently have 2 fury sets and love the super high regen on them, for my bird and pally, but am wondering if a fortified for my bear is a bad idea. The fortified has lower mana regen (a lot lower) and i spam my skills on bosses so i'm wondering if it's less how much it'll effect my playstyle and if i'll be chugging pots constantly.

There's no way for me to test this other than buy a set and if I don't like it resell it for a fury, but risk losing money, so i would like a favor from someone who has one. I would like to "loan" one from you, i'll give you money+a fury set for the full amount of the set, so i may try it out 1-2 runs, then trade back, even if i like it. I plan on buying one in the near future if I do, but I want a trial run with one first.

NOTE: This is not a scam, I value my word and promise this is 100% legit. Besides who would be stupid enough to post a scam on the forums? Is this against the TOS? I hope not it's a test drive in my opinion. If you have and are willing to help out a player, pls post below.