This game is not multiplayer friendly, can't host games, can't kick people from instances (losing energy this way would suck, but energy sucks already), then ofcourse energy prevents you from helping a friend or a guild mate. I dont see how they could go so wrong after doing very good on the other games. I see alot of changes if this game is ever going to take off like pocket legends, but I doubt it ever even comes close. Oh, sorry I can't join that mission cause I got a 3 hour wait from one of the previous missions...

I hope this is not the direction your company is headed in, for your sake. Someone really dropped the ball on this game. Games are about having fun, you'll make your money if players are having fun. I can see some nasty reviews headed in dark legends direction...

While the game has some good points, it just falls way short in my opinion.

This is not to condemn the game but to send a wake up call...... Wake up spacetime.