Keep in mind, I do realize the game is fresh and brand new with many updates to come. However you end up seeing my starting experience to be, my only intention is to provide it as feed back so that as updates hit, perhaps it will be considered. All in all, the development is off to a fantastic start, and I'm interested to see whats to come in the future updates to improve the game it sell. Cheers.

Dating back to my experience starting out recent couple days. This is my opinionated statement with feedback that may or may not be thought upon.
-Starting out the game easily caught my interest due to several concepts mainly revolving around a smooth running morpg for a smartphone.
After a few levels gained I decided to check out the back door aspect such as the options menu, the lair and what else was available.
-I like the options capability at the moment, its a great start to allowing the player to diversify game play to ones liking.
Onto the Lair
-Nice stats recording, I like the achievement ladder, it gives us something to work for at the moment until more updates come.
-Drop rates are to high for lack of item uniqueness ( meaning each items status to level is the same exact ). This thought mainly came about to the fact when you goto the auction, everyone and there family has the same exact items in the auction for sale as I have in my back pack 10 fold. Gold is only good for 1 thing, blood pack. Sure you can accumulate and toss it at vanity fashion, that's all your getting though. Why bother looking at the auction, won't find anything you need there since you can get it on your next mission. Blood packs, that's where gold belongs.

( Especially odd reading all the casino/gambling suggestions on the forums, why would I gamble gold when its only use is blood packs and blood packs are the most affordable item in game. The one and only item that has literally any use is the most affordable item in game and any user can buy it all day long.... gamble it away for what? Vanity which gives 0 stats, 0 progression. Ok some vanity allows achievements in your profile, easily gained later I'm sure )

-What I really disliked discovering in the lair is what I found when I stumbled upon the skills tree, however I do like the option of skill path... but....
-I really did not enjoy finding out that new characters are defaulted to a auto skill system. This is mainly due to the fact that what I found out after
un-selecting the auto skill feature. I had already read up on the skills at this point. Now having said that, since new characters are defaulted to auto skill without given prior option of this during character creation, I did not like the skills given to me by the auto skill system so I hit the respec skills option. Wait a minute, I have to spend 8 premium coins to respec because I don't like the skill path I was forced to take without notification.... Okay, I know I'm given 10 free premium coins, but geezz, I don't have a choice to save them for something else, I have no choice but to waste them on something that could of easily been avoided, so realistically if I don't just deal with the fact that my char has been auto built in a way that I personally feel is a bad build... I either accept the fact that everyone else gets 10 free platinum coin, and i get 2 free platinum coin to fix a issue that could have been avoided, and here's how.
1) After character creation, prompt the user to select the option, auto skilling or manual skilling before even stepping foot into the game for the first time.
2) Prompt the user of a msg that auto skill is default, put a okay button that must be pushed to clarified its been read.
3) Allow each character a free respect if you are not going to notify them.

There's a few methods of this. Yes I realize that this is in play for a reason, however not everyone will be lead to a same thought/belief of the reason. This is a open door to flame and trolling directed to the dev team by a particular class of players regardless of how minor the damage of 8 premium coins.

Reason belief 1) Helping new comers by auto-skilling until they are used to the fact of leveling.
-Sweet, that's thoughtful
-Good thing that's there, I didn't know I could level skills.

Reason belief 2) What.... they put that there to scam me of premium coins. Now I have to buy coins to respec because after reading I'd of never picked that skill.
- Open door for unnecessary flame
- Easily avoided, however its not avoided to the user at first by notification

Now, I'm not flaming, or degrading for those of you who are quick to read without a proper mindset. That's clarification that I'm just point something out along with the potential future outcome. It's just a observation, with a suggestive notion added.

-Having said that. I don't think its necessary to remove the default auto-skill. I think to avoid any potential ridiculousness later on, you should seriously consider adding a notification during character creation. Allow the feature to be selected before character creation is complete
-"How would you like your characters skill tree to upgrade during a level up phase? You have the option to manually select skills from the skill tree in which when you level up, you will have to go to your lair to select a skill manually from your skill tree in order to improve your vampires abilities. You also have the option to use the auto-select skill feature so when you level up, the auto-skill feature will choose a skill from the skill tree for you so you don't have to. If you choose auto-select you can not retract the skill selected for you. You can also reset your skill points for 8 premium coins from your Lair."
I don't know something like that or even just a stated message during character creation
-"Character skill upgrading is defaulted to auto-skill which means when you level up the system will automatically choose a skill for you from the skill tree. If don't prefer this method, you must go to your lair and deselect auto skill, which means you can then manually choose your skill path to your liking after each level gained."
-All and all, the system I just ranted about is a good feature, I do agree. However what I don't agree on is that it is defaulted without notification. Have auto skill on default is okay, but it's not okay that there is no notification prior, then charging 8 premium coins to respec your skill tree.

Thanks, I'm still playing.

To end with my starting intro-

Keep in mind, I do realize the game is fresh and brand new with many updates to come. However you end up seeing my starting experience to be, my only intention is to provide it as feed back so that as updates hit, perhaps it will be considered. All in all, the development is off to a fantastic start, and I'm interested to see whats to come in the future updates to improve the game it sell. Cheers.