Currently guild halls are empty..
Sure they are a great place to hang out with other guild members but there is no real reason for them yet.

Maybe you could add in a buy function.

The guild leader chooses to buy a set thing and then guild members can donate in order to get that thing for their guild.

For example:
You could have a guild trade center.
The trade center is a place where you can add a item to be traded just like you do in the Sanctuary however because its your guild hall you can set a lower price because only guild members can buy from it.
This would mean that you can trade two things.. one in the guild hall and one in the sanctuary, and your also helping out your fellow guild members by selling them useful stuff.

You could have a blood bank where you get 1 free blood pack every X hours due to being in the guild.. and it can be upgraded with guild cash so that the X hours decreases on the blood banks level.

With those as a few ideas..

The Guild leader would choose one of the things he wants for his guild and then he can add some coins/plat for its construction.. other members could then donate in its construction, thus helping out the guild and working together more.

You could also add in a notice board where members can post notes for other members.. Or a jobs board where people can join other guild members on quests.. (the killing ones of cause)

So many ideas become possible and i have a lot more..

Whats peoples thoughts on this?