The graphics in Dark Legends are probably the beat I've seen in any Legends game, the blood effects are gruesomely awesome during combat! Honestly, there isn't much else to say, so let's proceed.

Dark Legends took a new twist to the legends by adding a "Mafia Wars" type feel to it. You can now perform "side missions" (that wipe out your energy too fast btw -_-) for some extra xp and to continue further through the game. It feels nice to be able to leave my Ipod for a bit while still getting experience, but the energy price tag on the missions is a bit too much for me to be willing to press "start button". Along with side missions there are what I like to call "Boss Rounds". In these missions you play as your character and fight through zombies to get to a "boss" who has the potential to drop pinks. I am extremely liking the boss battles, Dark Legends has an extremely fast paced combat system which I thoroughly enjoy! One moment your walking into an alleyway, the next surrounded by enemies. The blood system (a mix of health and mana) is also a great innovation, you alwaya have to be paying attention or you may kill yourself with a sudden click of a power. I have yet to dry out the PvP, but it looks pretty fun!

Dark Legends has a way different feel than all the other legends games. I feel that you guys made it rougher to get to places thoufh. I would prefer it if you guys brought back the "Town Selection" screen for PvP matches and for choosing which (Sorry at a loss for the name) but the vampire hangout place haha .

Honestly, I'm not a big fan of Energy. It really makes me feel restricted to when I may play the game which I don'r like. I suggest that you guys keep energy but only leave it for side missions, let us have fun with boss battles .

Things you may do without wnergy

At the moment you can only PvP if you are out of energy, I'd like to see more things to do. How about a mini game where you fight endless hordes of zombies, or a poker table.

Well, those were some of my first impressions, enjoy .