This is geared toward Minecraft players.

So a few days ago i was on my buddy's server in Minecraft and i went to look at a platform he had made in the sky. When i got on the platform i was shot by an arrow and on the chat it said:

Herobrine: I'll always be watching you...

I asked my buddy if he saw it and he said he didn't see it in his chat. At first i thought it was my friend who just shot me with an arrow but he was across the map in a hole he had dug so it couldn't have been him. There weren't any pressure plates or dispensers nearby either so that rules the possibility of a trap out.

I did a little research into Herobrine and found out it's something that has happened to multiple players but there have been other things said to different players, but all from the same "player."

I'm genuinely stumped. Anybody have any clue what or who this Herobrine thing is?