Hey, so I came with some basic pvp knowlege from 55 pvp, cant say im good there, but decent.
but yet 26 is alot different, I'm using the skills right (i hope :P) which is ice drain fire heal lightning but still get nuked alot, I mean I can nuke some mages aswell and the drain works perfectly and sometimes it dont, but if i face a high kdr mage, i get insta nuked even when we use the same skills(a friend of mine told me he use the same skills as I do and we pvp each other alot), I also bought a ring after that which was more helpful, but its still not much different vs high kdr mages nor my friend.
my build is 67 int 67 dex with earth set, can anyone give me some tip? or point me what im doing wrong?
or meet me ingame would be great, ign is iHope, thanks in advance ;].