I am a modest man. I do not put myself in situations where I am above other ppl. I genuinely dislike peeps who try to "raise their status" by making themselves seem as if they were better than everyone.

But sometimes a man just has to receive the honor which he has been righteously given.

May I represent to u,

The Best Players of PL by some random nun:

I thank u F4tAlScOpEZ for this honor which I have now received by u (0:12-0:16). U rly seem like a guy who knows everything about PL and as u mentioned me, I truly must be one of the best players of PL.

As I am now one of the best players of PL, I have decided to prepare myself for this sudden stardom by offering services with the official Ninja Seal of Approval.

I am online today giving my own signed gold coins 1k each.

I am selling runs with me, 10k each run but u have to reserve a time via pm. I am a busy man nowadays.

I am selling screenshots with me 50k each. Any unauthorized screenshots taken out of me are illegal and u'll receive 1M fee for doing so. U have to reserve a time for this service too via PM.

I thank u for ur time, u all can congratulate me via PM or posting below.