Just my observations.

1. The lag with the new interface is insanely high.

2. The new interface seriously drains the battery even on max battery saver.

3. Can't scroll through C.S. listed items.

4. The login screen never saves my email, making me re-enter it every time.

5. Skill icons are too small.

6. The hide skill button gets in the way with the small icons... (Causing a few more than usual pvp deaths)

7. The character screen keeps asking if I want "Dark Legends", or other games.

8. The deal of the day screen always pops up when switching characters. (Has for a while.)

9. The "1 of your friends are online" notification gets really annoying.

10. Artie is hard to click being on the ground.


In my honest opinion the old interface is better. I could play for hours and not have to charge, whereas with the new interface I have to constantly have my device on the charger.

The new maps are fine just bring the old interface back. It was less laggy and buggy compared to the new one.

Thanks for reading, leave your comments/add-ons.