Quote Originally Posted by JaytB View Post

* Make the joystick moveable up or down with a slider in options

* smaller skills would probably fix this, but make the chat window not overlap the skill buttons

* re-instate walk while chatting. In the past it was possible to walk while chatting. If you didn't lift your finger from the joystick and called up the keyboard, you could still keep moving around. I really miss that feature.

* fix deselecting of items in inventory and CS. Sometimes, when selecting an item in your inventory, it automatically deselect it somehow. Very annoying when trying to clean your inventory.

These are the fixes I could think of from the top of my head.
I agree w all of these..

Also, skills are too small on iPod and I don't like the skill arrow collapse arrow.

I was finding my skills weren't firing when I hit them but that seems to be fixed, yay!

When I am chatting on iPod and have the person's avatar screen up while I'm chatting w them, the text box kind of overlaps the last thing said in the message box.