...for more than 5 minutes

Since the technical issues and bugs side of the forum is never attended anymore and nothing has been getting fixed, I thought i'd might as well post it here and entertain the bored people waiting for this longgggggg and patience killing event...

Soooo...before i begin and you read the rest, your going to need a commando, minimum of level 5. Your also going to need volume as this is an audio bug .

so yeah it's extremely simple. (super humuna humuna simple) all your going to need is a Modified Mark l Juicy Kablooie and that's it! It's L5 and usually sells in Auction terminal all the time. if not, zone 4 of dynastar drops them.

Kk here's the hard part: shoot it at an enemy. yep thats it. ;p Not going to tell you the noise it makes but its a noise you've heard before and yes, other people around you in that zone can also here it; not just you.