Quote Originally Posted by dugantale View Post
Been out sense may, dont wanna go back..
Same!I loved being so active here in Spacetime,but a couple days before school starts for me football starts.This is how it's gonna be for me.

Go to school,finish most of my homework.
Go to football practice
About 30 minute drive back to home.
Finish homework in the car on the way back.
Get back home by about 9:30PM
Doesn't help that I wake up at 6:00AM to head to school
Football games on Saturday's
So I won't be as active.
But Fridays and Saturday's (after the football game)I'll be accomplishing as much as I can.
Sometimes from football practice I'll stop by here on forums and in-game for a bit.
But I won't be AS active as I am right now.
But i'll of course be playing it whenever I can.