Today I bought a guild from this guy .I forgot the correct spelling, I think it's pvpvp. He came on another account later which was a lvl 2. I don't know why I didn't notice that he obviously just made that account. He sold me a tier 2 for 175k. I knew the risks and I warned him that I had a lot lf people on his page waiting to report him. I quote "I sell guilds all the time". So I thought oh well lets do this. To my joyment, he transfered me leadership. I recruited 4 people. I had the guild for like 2 hours. I logged off, now I just logged on to see that all of my guild members are gone and that the lvl 2: paoscao is guild master again. How did this happen? Is there a way I could get my guild back like he got it back? If I would have known he could do this I would have never bought the guild.