Ok, so since the crafting update I have been farming monster bash. I usually purchase the 7 plat elixer (forgot the name) that gives you 2x damage, armor, 20% speed and 35% luck for 30 minutes. Then I delete the luck and purchase shamus.

In 30 minutes I usually can do around 6-8 monster bash runs if I'm with a good group that moves along quick. So I've gone through 5 rounds of this since the update, meaning about 30-40 runs through monster bash, which means I've killed 150-200 bosses (5 bosses per run). And for it I got exactly one pink, a Hula Armor, and no recipes, no ocean blue diamonds, no gems.

So tonight on the final run the elixers all run out right before Tiki God. And then you know what happens.... Ocean Blue Diamond drops.

I think on future runs I'm just going to leave the 35% elixer and stop wasting my money on the Shamus. All the Shamus seems to do is give me lots of purple re-rolls from greens. Never end up with pinks.