Sorry if this has been mentioned before but i did not see a post that mentions paticular issue i am having.

First bug (i think it is a bug) : having bigger luck antennas equiped or just in inventory at the same time you have miner's luck active is producing a canceling affect. (I.e. 1+1=0). Evidence of this is after several runs in hive when i open chests only received gold items and occasional green items. Possible fix i put bigger luck antennas in my stash ran again several times and loot seemed to be better but this leads to the next bug i believe i am seeing...

Second bug: not sure if miner's luck is actually working for me in the hive map. Previous maps i ran while using miner's luck i would open a chest and 100% of the time would get the re-rolled message with it showing the better loot. In the hive runs while using miner's luck i never see the re-roll message even when i open the chests. So this leads to me believing either a) miner's luck is actually not working in the hive map for me, or b) if it is working we no longer get the re-roll message.

If a dev could please look into this for me and at very least explain why a 100% chance of re-roll elixir is not giving us the re-roll message. I still get greens from mob drops and golds from the chest in hive with miner's luck on but not as often. It seems to me it is working like the +25% reroll chance elixir instead but cannot tell since i do not ever see the reroll message while running in hive.

Uhg.. Help... i do not want to spend any more platinum until i know for sure i do not have some weird combination of items causing the miner's luck not to work properly. Thnx from a pouting pwnie mando.