Guys, I currently have a level 30 Strength/Dex Bear (122 Strength 53 Dex with equipment bonuses), with mostly tankish skills (Level 5 Stomp, Rage, Megaslash, Beckon, Taunt, Level 2 Evade). (I intend to reset later to redo my skills)

The pink items I looted from the Lost expedition have significantly lower DPS than some of the store bought items.

For example,
Conqueror's Frozen Hatchet (Pink) gives me 73 DPS with 88-101 Damage, with 1.3 speed
Elf Guard's Scimitar Sword (Green, Store Bought) gives me 89 DPS with 46-51 Damage with 0.5 speed

I know that the Pink items have procs, but is the proc worth the drop in dps?

I do know that the "1st" hit is technically free and effectively boosts the dps of the slower weapons. What is your opinion?

Some Maths. For 6.5 seconds of attacking, The hatchet attacks 6 times for 567 damage. The Elf guard attacks 14 times for 679 damage.

I know that some mobs tend to run away, so a higher base damage weapon might be better in the long run...

What is the community's opinion?