@ prefer nightshades over fbd....
I think... since improvement over attk, over dam. and over DPS... firebrand is like this... just for only the 2 less hp...
so therefore i'd choose firebrand > nightshades...
but then again... Ice talons for the same hp as nightshades, has a similar high stats....
But then again there is a much better weapon than ice talons... even though it's not defense specialized... :P
btw Biomorph =
43 damage, 69.2 DPS, 10 att, 9 def, and a fairly good 180 HP.
Duskstrikers (patrol wep) = 41 dam, 65.8 DPS, 11 att, 34 def, and 45 HP...... meaning lower than ice talons XD... but you get it in one go, with the vanity bundle.....