No Doubt you’ve come to play a game that is nothing more than good battle, good/bad drops as well as kills and trades with alliances with various people.

As a newb, there are a couple of players over the last several months in my mind that fit the good, the bad and real subject line. None of the players are aware of who I am nor are there any side agreements with them as such. I have either played or traded with each one of them and through the course of these various dealing and have made my assessment as such. This is merely my opinion in the world of gaming, nevertheless the things that make a game great and bad!

Definition of BAD.
Talented Players that appear to be into the game for themselves, over charge for items that would otherwise be cheaper and that tend to mislead people in an attempt to corner markets. General overall game play is either to boot people or publicly slam folks if they deem players are not up to par with their skills.

Definition of GOOD.
Talented Players that are into the game and support others. Offering tips help leveling and periodical give items to noobs. If you’re not up to par in skills, they don’t generally boot or slam folks publicly. Game conversations are light and fun.

Definition of REAL.
Talented Players that simply enjoy the game and support others. Offering tips, helping to level and don’t hesitate to give valuable and desired items such as pinks freely. Hardly boot and Game conversations are light, fun and even sometimes serious.

There were quite a few people who fell into each category, so I limited the selection to 3 in each that stood out.

The Bad – Graypins, Damu, Evilkrohan
The Good –Maxxtor, Samlight, Quertyson
The Real - Berista, Rusalio, Stonebrunt

If any spacetime admins decided to reward anyone here to continue to make the game real, it would be to reward the REAL folks as they are the core to making it possible for other folks to enjoy and thrive in the game.

Thanks to the REAL and the Good, it makes this game fun and desirable to the newbies out there. It would be worth it to get to know the the Good / REAL players if your looking to team with anyone. Hope you enjoyed the read