Title says all really. Examples are good too!! Finally a place to rant about trolls (that is if this thread doesnt get shut down)

1. Its funny, the trolls start to insult u, and the moment u defend urself, they declare u a troll!!!!! Oh the irony.

2. Jump to conclusions: for instance. I was on not 2 minutes ago, and this guy was bragging about how hes "pro" and "in the top 20 in the game" i commented how leaderboards are overated, which immediately triggered a violent retaliation. Of course. He said "bah, ur a mynas noob with no good equips" as most of u know, i quit PL, only going on to chat with friends, or give away some of my ever dwindling supply of pinks. (gave myst about ehhhh.... 50 pinks more or less?) i said "i quit and gave away most o my pinks. He said riiiiiiiiiiight. I know all the ppl with good reps. I proceed to give him a pink, and he says "it proves nothing" and gets a whole bunch of noob friends to flame me. Typical trolls.

3. They hunt in packs!!!!!! The gang up on someone, and proceed to get friends together to attack u. Its funny. U can tell theyre cowards, using the internet as a screen.

Ahhhh the end of a good rant. Really freshens up the mind. Rant with me!!!!!!!!!