Hello all, just my thoughts on spawn kills.
I dont think anyone spawn kills on purpose, there r two main reasons it may look like it to the person who spawns and gets attacked.

1) ur running down the side alleys on the opponents side of the map and u see a speed boost and go to grab it. Then someone spawns right in front of u. Now u have two choices, attack or leave and risk getting attack from behind at which point ur at a disadvantage. Most ppl will attack.

2) similar situation, ur running by and as u approach the corner u see someone spawn. Again, attack or run by and risk them attacking u from behind. Personally, i run by and if i see them follow me then i turn around and attack. But some ppl will just go ahead and attack.

My suggestion to prevent this is to move the spawn area back so u r not seen by ppl passing by or going for the speed boost.
Now if ppl still kill u when u spawn then truly it is spawn kill and not very sportsman like.