So in trying to level my bear I've noticed there's a shortage of competent healers.. When I'm tanking I seem to have to spam health pots to stay alive on some bosses, and when I'm holding several mobs. Meanwhile the healers just use their auto-attack, ignoring my health bar (oblivious to the fact that when I die, they do too). I can't seem to ever find a decent PUG anymore. Just today, I died halfway through a level. The response to my 'Rez please' was 'I don't have rez'...
Mainly, the question is, why play a support character if you're not going to support because you're too busy spamming your auto attack? Honestly the heals are more beneficial to the group than the miniscule damage your staff is doing compared to the birds. I know there are players who seem to play the Mage right, and when I'm in groups with them the levels are a breeze and I rarely have to pot.
Which is why, way back in April, I tried a bear, and switched to enchantress almost immediately - there was a shortage of people that healed. Basically, I died too much as a bear for my liking, much of which could be avoidable with teamwork. After a break from the game, I returned, starting up a strength bear. It's a fun character, but only when I am in a group with a skilled enchantress. Otherwise, I need to spam pots, which isn't cost effective, or die and let my teammates die as well. Asking the mage to "Heal more often please" more often than not leads to nothing. Playing my bear has now become frustrating because of this.
This isn't a complaint, more of a rant, and I don't expect anyone to do anything about it. Kind of an, "I was the healer for a while. Now I wanna play a new class, but I can't find anyone to heal me." I know most of the people here on the forums are the more competent players, so this probably doesn't apply to anyone here. I know everyone can play as they want, so if you don't wanna heal, you don't have to. The game really goes faster when you do, because I the tank don't die, thus losing aggro and likely killing you as well.

Thanks for the read; opinions welcome.
