Hey everyone! I just started playing a Avian and got him to lvl 10 already. This is a great game and it seems like the community is very mature, helpful, and fun also. I really hope to meet some new friends to play with nd what-not. I do have a couple questions.

So like i said, Avian Archer, now I have pretty much put all his little points into Dex. Besides like 10 STR. So idk 10 STR 56ishDEX nd like 1 INT. His DPS is great nd i seem to keep up with people who are 5 lvls higher than me if i keep my distance, but will all this bite my behind in the long run?

Also, how do these dungeons ive been running work? lol Are they random? Generated? Nd if i have an unfinished quest nd i go into the magic portal, it will take me to where i need to go right? So if Im in the first town (not Dark Forest lol cnt remember) nd i need to get the Nature Orb or w/e it was nd i went into the portal itd take me relatively close to it, or at least in the dungeon? Just trying to get the mechanics down.

Sorry for the long boring n00b questions, but I'm really excited about the game and plan on spendin some platinum here soon, so thanks in advance! I'd also really like to get to know people to play with.