Quote Originally Posted by Timelife View Post
Hello, i would like to join eclipse, i've a few avatars : Magesme(Lv71 going to 75-76 in about a month hopefully),Dreamshott(Lv66),Dyrashadow(Lv61),Rogue boss(Lv61),Anvy(Lv56),Membership(Lv56),Timelife(Lv 55). the reason why i would like to join is that i want to be in an active guild, also two good friends of me really would like to have me in the guild, and i pvp alot with them (ysoseriouzz and Scepler). also im pretty good at pvp and i'd love to farm with others. and about my activity, im everyday active for atleast 3 hours, most in the weekend friday-sunday for many hours if i am home.
Hi and thanks for applying. As we are an endgame guild we do only accept people who are level 75 plus. Add myself, Taarkwin, and Pakax and we will chat in game and hopefully you will be 75 in no time Taara