On the game when you disable your XP Gain and try to farm for PVE kill count it wont count but if you died it will count. My character is lvl 3 and it is hard for me to farm PVE kill and at the same time not to gain exp. I want to stay at lvl 3 but also i want to make my PVE kill count. All i am saying is it is hard to remember to check and uncheck the disable XP Gain. I want my PVE to count but i dont want to gain exp and level up. It is hard to remember to check and uncheck Disable XP Gain while doing missions. If for somereason you forgot to uncheck it,Out of luck u gain exp and lvl up. Same thing as the nightly rewards. I want to get the gold and vanity but i dont want to get the exp. It would help me or others a lot who desire to just stay in there lvl,if the exp. gain will be disabled and still get the gold and vanity in nightly rewards and count the PVE kills while the disable XP gain is checked.