Quote Originally Posted by vampinoy:856451
Quote Originally Posted by LwMark View Post
I see all your points.
And ye i never played wow but if it went mobile id probably dabble in it, since its a big name and succes an graphics, but idk PL is my first mmo i really played an spent money an cared about , but my mmo playin fun is comin to a end anyways, i been losin intrest, idk if its the game or im not likin playin games for hours an hours anymore an missin my life idk, ive been playin AL alot not much AT ALL goin on like 2weeks lol
It's the game. Once a gamer, always a gamer. You made a mistake of investing on a game without looking at your other options. People have been bragging (or telling) here how much they've spent on Pocket Legends and they feel good about it probably but in truth they're dumb street-wise for spending...$500 to a whopping $1000...even more over a game when you can spend less for more...are you one of those? If yes, then I feel bad for you...

What if I tell you that you can set up a powerful PC that can run the best MMOs in the market today at medium to high performance for the same amount or less? I assembled my own PC for way below $500 and I could play games like WoW, Guildwars 2, Rift Online, Tera Online, SWTOR, Diablo 3, etc. name it, I can play it, maybe a little upgrade here and there but minimal cost. The leap in quality is very huge both in graphics quality and content quality. I have to literally lower my standard to be able to appreciate a mobile game such as PL,, it's the truth, since I'm coming from PC. So why do I play mobiles games such as PL? Well...curiosity, that's about it...I want to be in the middle of things when technology happens...I still think mobile gaming is the future...but not quite there yet. So I want to be here while it's still not there yet...I'm a sucker for knowing things first hand, I just want to be there when it happens. I'm playing PL/SL/DL/AL and O&C, just fooling around nothing serious really...I just want to say that I'm also in the mobile scene...that's it...but if I want to put on my game face, I turn to my PC MMOs

Anyway, as for your personal life, gaming and life can co-exist. I make money out of gaming. I have my own son review games for me because I believe kids have the best points of view when it comes to games. We're a family of gamers So don't look at gaming as something bad in life. If it's indeed your interest, it has its own industry in the professional world and has place in everyone's lives. You just have to figure out how you'll channel it into something good. Don't go against your interest, for all you know, it's where your future lies ;D Gaming is just like any other hobby that you can turn into a business or a profession. Very well...on topic, where did everyone go? Arcane Legends...
All im goin to say is ive spent 100$ or less on this game, but really i didnt spend nothin, i do really love the mobile part, cause i was never a big system buyer or pc user, just my lil android