I wanted to ask the pro's and forumers what their methods for running elite maps were.

Currently I use a lv.16 Warrior with Hammer, Whirlwind, Horn of Renew and Vengeance.

1.) I spam hammer and whirlwind and get aggro.

2.) Then I use Vengeance when I need quick health and mana and it also lets you do mad damage with Hammer and Whirlwind because of the crazy buffs.

3.) Finally Horn of Renew as needed but key to this is the 2 sec of invulnerability. Those 2 seconds are key to surviving, it allows you to buff and heal and cast Vengeance if needed or in a tight spot.

With my lv. 15 rogue I kind of sit there and help where I can, usually getting one shotted at bosses with no warrior present (I use 33 STR 36 DEX and 6 INT or something close)

I hear talk of people people soloing Elite Maps with rogues and warriors and people flying through them.

What do you do when running Elites?