Quote Originally Posted by SkillFullGamer View Post
The mages got to go on Arcane Legend!!!! These guys are insanely overpowered!!!! These guys have like 2000+ more mana than any other class and its unfair!!!! They literally walking Nuclear Bombs waiting to go BOOOOOOM.!!! They have about the same defense and health as rogue but they 1 shot HORDES and WAVES and MULTITUDES of enemies with 1 spell :O.!!! Idunno about u guys but I think we gotta Nerf these nuclear weapon carrying, cross dressing , dress wearing, rabbit looking sons of guns ASAP!!
We can't base classes being overpowered by kill farmers. Have you been in elite maps with mages? They get one shotted just by rushing to the boss. And of course their gonna have more mana then a warrior, they use int as a primary stat not str. So unless you have a real reason why they're overpowered please stop posting these threads.