I hosted a game tonight entitled "25+ lvl ONLY pls or booted "

Of course, if I see a level 4, I boot 'em. I had the honor of asommers joining my game and promply booting him because his char was lvl 4. Didn't see that asommers was part of his name at first. He then msged me he was testing something and of course, I did not boot him.

So, since asommers will be reading this (hello), you suggested making it so admins can't be booted. I quite agree. However, ppl may wonder why they can't boot that player. Even if you have it tell the booter that "you can't boot an admin" when they try to boot an admin, the rest of the group will keep wondering why it is you haven't booted that lvl 1 off the map.

I suggest changing the color of the level behind the name of the Dev or admin.

if the dev's char name was devadmin (4) then make the text green or some other color. Once word gets around, people will know that if they see a green (or whatever color) level behind a char name, that is an admin. Hosts of games will know why they have a lvl 1 in there game, obviously testing something and will ignore the admin to let him/her do his work.