Has any one played wizard101?

Any ways I played this game sense it came out and up to this last summer, but then I stopped and started playing sts games again..

This thread is just a thread of sadness haha.. but I loved this game, but over time it became hard to always play on the computer (its a computer only game) so then it started getting hard to play unlike the sts games that are mobile and everything.. but today I went to the wizard101 website and seen all the update stuff and some of the new commercials, it makes me really sad seeing this game now, just because i use to be so pro at it and knew every thing about. Today I updated the game and loaded it, its just so different from what it use to be.. -sadness- And a lot of my old friends on there either left of dont remember me.. :'(

This is where my name Dugantale came from, because my name on wizard101 was Dugan Tale Flame..

But yea I kinda feel sad because that game was kind of a part of me and now I look at the game and feel like a noob..

Has any one else had this happen with any other games?

Thanks for reading my dumb story haha..
