Hi all,

So I got banned for 7days today.... and I sent STS an message but no one reply.
Good rule but bad customer service...I think.

I did tired few swearing word in the past (that what I do to a new game to test what will happen if I do) but not in the public chat. And I figured you will get banned for few minutes.

So what happen today is I was chatting with guild mates (not fighting, nothing just enjoying the chat) then suddenly I got log out, I thought my Internet was down but after I check again I figure my account got banned for 7days.....

To find out why I got banned I went check the T&C/policy and figured a "sensitive" word was used in the the chat where I use it often with my buddies.

I suggest STS don't use ban because you don't know what the exact conversation is like. I suggest change the sensitive word to stars(***), unless the player keep using the "sensitive" word I personally think it's not fair to get banned if you are a good behavior player (just saying for others not me)

Lastly I strong recommend all of you who read this post to take time to read what the T&C/policy are so that you don't "break" any of them.

Thanks for reading and sorry to waste your time.
Happy gaming while looking after your health.


Here is the link to the T&C/policy: