Eh, so this contest will consist of no fancy colored words or my corny frog gifs. Just simply a contest that anyone can play.

On today, at 12AM. I will have already deleted everything off my tablet, my computer will still have PL on it for now (to give prize). I'm letting go of all STS games...not just because I need the money for other things, but for many...many other reasons I have experienced while playing STS games. Also I need to focus on my homework, and need to stop playing STS games when I have a heap of homework to do right next to me, using it as a pillow or footrest doesn't help.

So down to business, this contest is like many of my other contests, just simply a "where's waldo" contest. I'll be in Nuris Hallows (one of my favorite maps) on tomorrow at 3PM EST. When I log on, whom ever is the first to say "I want gold" in the town I'm in, gets the gold. That's

Well...yea that's all I have to say, the winner will not be posted on here, lol...if you want to know more about me, feel free to click this Goodbye.