Same as many of you, I've been spending most of my time doing Elite Jarl runs. And unfortunately I've been dying a lot as well. I now have over 400 deaths, more than half of which have come during Elite Jarl runs. So I've come up with a new list of "Rules of Engagement" to which I now follow which helps to minimize my deaths.

As soon as any of the following occur during an Elite Jarl run, I leave immediately as fast as I can:

1) Any of the players dies (the issue here is that when they rejoin the fight, they usually drag with them the mobs from the bridge)

2) Any of the mobs from the bridge starts shooting arrows at us while in the area near Jarl (usually this results form #1, or from players stopping to shoot at the barrels on the bridge)

3) Any of the mobs behind Jarl become involved in the fight -- careless players shoot these mobs or they wander too close to them.

4) Jarl enters the fight before the mobs in front of him are all dead - this is not as big of a problem if you have good group, but with a random group, leave immediately if this happens as the result tends to be that #1, #2 or #3 usually follows soon afterwards.

So far by following these rules I have not died yet.