For the past few days i have been farming mardrom tower elite, burning tons of potions everytime.
During these runs, i have encountered quite a few very arrogant lvl12s. they call me noob (which doesent particularly bother me) when i die, ignoring the fact that im the one that i was the one that dared to aggro the mob and burn even more pots . Today, during a run where i was the only lvl20 (the rest was lvl21) one of the other guys started harrassing me for no apparent reason. We had killed lord mardrom, but he kept telling me how bad i was and that i sucked at this game.
I used lots of potions during that fight since the boss had aggroed on me (i dont mind that, i have enough potions).
I am not saying that all lvl21s are arrogant, i have met many nice players that have reached the levelcap.
These people are just annoying, and you cant even boot them from your game .
Has anyone else experienced something similar?