Well i was thinking about my old gaming days..

On the forums here, we have about a million pages of "want to join guild" and "Guild recruiting" forums!
So i was wondering if we could get dedicated forum sections for specific guilds.
Not sure what these forums are powered by other the Spacetime studios...
But Forums like invision and phpnuke ect.. You can create a forum that can hold several SUB-forums.

Now i know you dont want every AL guild trying to have there own dedicated forum area, so i
figured you can add requirments in order to get one!

For example...

20 registered forum members? All active with introduction post?
Must be applyed for by GM and also a just have the post signed(posted)
be each member showing they really need a forum!

Now this should reduce the mass spam in guild section and should allow
the guilds to just have there own section where people can browse
and find out what guild they are looking for and submit application like
the one i posted along with the other million guild applications.

Just an idea and im sure your team can work out the kinks to the idea.

Yours Truly,

p.s. Also is there any way i can get a name change on a character?